With an internet increasingly filled with dangerous, inappopriate and damaging content, more and more parents are looking for ways to monitor their kids online time. Gertrude can help, with a built-in, easy-to-use mac keylogger.
If you had the time to sit next to each of your kids for all of their daily computer usage, that would be ideal. You would be able to see everything they did, keep them away from the dangerous parts of the internet, and guide them towards educational and healthy activity. Nothing they did online would feel private, as they would feel themselves continually under your watchful care. The built-in accountability provided by your attention would prevent any curious and dangerous exploration.
Sadly, most of us don't have the time or bandwidth to watch our kids screens 100% of the time. But technology can help us here. Gertrude comes with a built-in mac keyogger which can record everything your child types, and also take regular screenshots of all of their activity. All of their typing is securely uploaded to your parental account, where you can review it for up to 2 weeks afterwards, on your phone or computer
This isn't spying—Gertrude doesn't allow keylogging or screenshot monitoring to be done secretly under any circumstances. We clearly notify your child the entire time their typing is being recorded. If you're looking for some way to do this secretly, you're in the wrong place. Again, the right mental model is that of a parent sitting next to their child. They should know they are being watched—both because it respects their privacy, and also because it promotes healthy self-regulation.
To enable keylogging, log in to the parent's dashboard and go to the Children screen. Click the Edit button for the child you would like to betin monitoring. Click to enable and save the child.
Once configured, the Gertrude Mac app will constantly record your child's typing, and every few minutes upload the data to our servers where only you the parent can have access to it. Then, whenever you want, you can log into the parental dashboard, go to the Children screen and click to view the Activity of your child.
The activity screen will show a continual stream of uploaded keystrokes, mixed with screenshots (if you also have that feature enabled).
The Gertrude mac app helps you protect your kids online with strict internet filtering that you can manage from your own computer or phone, plus remote monitoring of screenshots and keylogging. $15/mo, with a 21 day free trial.